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Édité le 01/06/2009 à 13:33
Bazooka Boppers - Abracadabra
Ok. Norway is famous for satanic black metal. So what? Do all Norwegian bands have to play extreme music to be seriously considered? Hell no! Bazooka Boppers is one of those bands who play something else, but something truly rock'n'roll. The old, dirty, raw(k)'n'roll.
Don't look for crazy riffs and screams, Bazooka Boppers are rather at the crossroads of soul and blues, for a sophisticated rock'n'roll where rhythm is embellished by catchy vocals and lyrics. Precisely the voices are one of the pillar of Abracadabra : a mix of Otis Redding and Jackson five for the lead and some fragile and sensual choirs. From "Believe me" to "Gazooboogaloo", from catchy and melodic lyrics to rough riffs, the band takes us to the States, from Texas to California and through this long history of blues and its eternal legends. Some influences quite tricky to use in a new and creative way, but with some horns and percussions, some psychedelic keyboards and some rough guitars, the band makes it perfectly. The music is not new, the riffs are known for ages, but there is this tiny little thing that makes all the songs of Abracadabra unique. From dancing hits to nostalgic ballads, Bazooka Boppers creates an ambiance full of joy, shaking you, making you move and regret that Abracadabra only contains 11 songs.
With Abracadabra, Bazooka Boppers is kind of magic.
How's your ankle?
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