pierrotlalune - 653 msg
Terrier : Paris

Publié le 20/04/2009 à 17:26
Édité le 20/04/2009 à 17:26

Lazarus - English version

Amoeba was a pure technical death-metal album, a breakthrough that led Hacride to another level. Third album Lazarus develops the progressive aspects of the band during 7 songs and a pure epic and progressive mood that will surely turn French metallers into something much more bigger. The album of the year is near.

No, the French modern death-metal scene is not limited to Gojira! It's time for the rest of the world to recognize that bands like Klone, Psykup or Hacride are also making some mind-blowing records. Hacride proved their potential via two first albums exploring complex structures and technical riffs. Lazarus is leaving the technique behind to bring a brand new progressive ambiance. Album opener "To walk among them" gives straight away an idea of what this album is made of. Down-tuned guitars, rough drums and ambient riffs introduce elements to be found during the rest of the album. The very Neurosis-like guitars bring a heavy and massive sound , building the ambiance riff after riff, from glacial to pharaonic atmospheres. At a high level of intensity, Hacride gives there a high sophisticated, massively challenging first song. But be sure that the rest of the album is as good as the beginning. With the anxious "Act of God", the heavy and doom "Lazarus" or the deep gloomy "Phenomenon", the band is making the listener going deeper into the concept of the album. And to go through the lazarus syndrome, the band created a fantastic metaphorical piece of music, the soundtrack of madness.
Step by step, the melodies carried by the clean vocals captivate, surprise, torture and get you one knee down. The strong influences of Neurosis, Pink Floyd or King Crimson are smartly used to make this record homogenised, as well as heavy and violent. Lazarus is a tremendous fresco made of aggressive riffs and ambient keyboards lines, where phrases are not juxtaposed but strongly linked. A powerful record, oppressive, moody, in which experimentalism finds, in a thunder of distortion and mid-tempo well-inspired songs, its climax expression.
With this highly visual, aggressive and progressive record, Hacride can walk tall compared to overlords of the genre. The U.S have Mastodon, France has Hacride.

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Le 17/08/09 à 09:18, par Anonyme

Re: Lazarus - English version

il est bilingue le fennec maintenant ?

Citer Citer


Le 04/10/09 à 15:58, par diatribehead

Re: Lazarus - English version

agreed, they were absolutely fantastic in London.

Citer Citer


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