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Queens of the stone age / Over the years and through the woods
Queens of the stone age
Live : Over the years and through the woods
Label : Interscope
Date de sortie : 22/11/2005
Live : Over the years and through the woods
Label : Interscope
- Interscope (523 hits)
Date de sortie : 22/11/2005
CD live
Go with the flow
Regular John
Monsters in the parasol
Tangled up in plaid
Little sister
You can't quit me, baby
I wanna make it wit chu
Leg of lamb
I think I lost my headache
Burn the witch
Song for the deaf
No one knows
Long slow goodbye
Go with the flow
Regular John
Monsters in the parasol
Tangled up in plaid
Little sister
You can't quit me, baby
I wanna make it wit chu
Leg of lamb
I think I lost my headache
Burn the witch
Song for the deaf
No one knows
Long slow goodbye
DVD live
This lullaby
Go with the flow
The feel good hit of the summer
The lost art of keeping a secret
Regular John
Song for the deaf
Little sister
You can't quit me, baby
I wanna make it wit chu
Monsters in the parasol
The fun machine took a shit and died
Burn the witch
This lullaby
Go with the flow
The feel good hit of the summer
The lost art of keeping a secret
Regular John
Song for the deaf
Little sister
You can't quit me, baby
I wanna make it wit chu
Monsters in the parasol
The fun machine took a shit and died
Burn the witch
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Chronique DVD :
Over the years and through the woods
- 2 commentaires
En toute honnêteté, les DVD's musicaux, c'est une fausse bonne idée. Ou plutôt une bonne idée, excellente même, mais détournée au profit du... profit...
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