Queens of the stone age / Songs for the deaf

Quens of the stone age : Songs for the deaf
Queens of the stone age
LP : Songs for the deaf
Label : Interscope
Style : Stoner-Rock
Date de sortie : 27/08/2002
You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar But I Feel Like a Millionaire
No One Knows
First It Giveth
Song for the Dead
Sky Is Fallin'
Six Shooter
Hangin' Tree
Go With the Flow
Gonna Leave You
Do It Again
God Is in the Radio
Another Love Song
Song for the Deaf
Mosquito Song (Hidden Track)

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Quens of the stone age : Songs for the deaf Chronique LP : Songs for the deaf - 25 commentaires  
Rated R vous a mis une claque lors de sa sortie, tendez l'autre joue. L'arrivée d'un certain Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, mythique batteur de Nirvana) à...

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