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Porcupine Tree / In absentia

Porcupine Tree
LP : In absentia
Label : Atlantic Records
Style : rock progressif
Date de sortie : 24/09/2003
LP : In absentia
Label : Atlantic Records
- Atlantic Records
(383 hits)
Style : rock progressif
Date de sortie : 24/09/2003
Blackest Eyes
Lips of Ashes
The Sound of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Wedding Nails
The Creator Has a Mastertape
Heartattack in a Lay By
Strip the Soul
Collapse the Light into Earth
Lips of Ashes
The Sound of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Wedding Nails
The Creator Has a Mastertape
Heartattack in a Lay By
Strip the Soul
Collapse the Light into Earth
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Chronique LP :
In absentia
- 3 commentaires
On poursuit notre (petite) rétrospective Porcupine Tree à rebours avec In absentia, un album sur lequel, contre vents et marées (qui a dit que le roc...
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