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Queens of the stone age / Lullabies to Paralyze
Queens of the stone age
LP : Lullabies to Paralyze
Label : Interscope
Style : Stoner-Rock
Date de sortie : 21/03/2005
LP : Lullabies to Paralyze
Label : Interscope
- Interscope (523 hits)
Style : Stoner-Rock
Date de sortie : 21/03/2005
This lullaby
Everybody knows that you are insane
Tangled up in plaid
Burn the witch
In my head
Little sister
I never came
Someone's in the wolf
The blood is love
Skin on skin
Broken box
You got a killer scene there, man
Long slow goodbye
Like a drug
Everybody knows that you are insane
Tangled up in plaid
Burn the witch
In my head
Little sister
I never came
Someone's in the wolf
The blood is love
Skin on skin
Broken box
You got a killer scene there, man
Long slow goodbye
Like a drug
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Chronique LP :
Lullabies to paralyze
- 14 commentaires
Lullabies to paralyze, où l'album qui a la quasi insurmontable tâche de passer derrière Rated R ou Songs for the deaf. Queens of the Stone Age revien...
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