Nine Inch Nails / Further down the spiral

Nine Inch Nails
EP : Further down the spiral
Label : Interscope
Style : Indus
Date de sortie : 30/05/1995
Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)
Art of Self Destruction, Pt. 1
Self Destruction, Pt. 2
Downward Spiral (The Bottom)
Hurt (Quiet)
Eraser (Denial: Realization)
At the Heart of It All
Eraser (Polite)
Self Destruction, Final
Beauty of Being Numb
Erased, over. Out

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nin_further_down_the_spiral.jpg Chronique LP : Further down the spiral - 2 commentaires  
On a eu Fixed pour Broken, voici maintenant Further down the spiral, qui reprend le concept de son prédécesseur pour l'adapter à l'album The downward...

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