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Nine Inch Nails / Beside you in time

Nine Inch Nails
DVD musical : Beside you in time
Label : Interscope
Style : Rock industriel
Date de sortie : 26/02/2007
DVD musical : Beside you in time
Label : Interscope
Interscope (523 hits)
Style : Rock industriel
Date de sortie : 26/02/2007
Love is not enough
You know what you are ?
Terrible lie
The line begins to blur
March of the pigs
Something I can never have
Gave up
Right where it belongs
Beside you in time
With teeth
The big come down
The hand that feeds
Head like a hole
You know what you are ?
Terrible lie
The line begins to blur
March of the pigs
Something I can never have
Gave up
Right where it belongs
Beside you in time
With teeth
The big come down
The hand that feeds
Head like a hole
Somewhat damaged (live)
Closer (live)
Help me I am in hell (live)
Non-Entity (live)
Only (live)
The collector (répétition live 2005)
Every day is exactly the same (répétition live 2005)
Love is not enough (répétition live 2005)
The hand that feeds (clip)
Only (clip)
Closer (live)
Help me I am in hell (live)
Non-Entity (live)
Only (live)
The collector (répétition live 2005)
Every day is exactly the same (répétition live 2005)
Love is not enough (répétition live 2005)
The hand that feeds (clip)
Only (clip)
Cet album est chroniqué, pour poster des commentaires, il suffit d'aller voir la chronique.
Chronique DVD :
Beside you in time
- 4 commentaires
Beside you in time, un petit intermède dans la retro NIN pour coller un peu plus à l'actu musicale (enfin de loin quand même...) et surtout une quest...
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Re: Nine Inch Nails - Beside you in time