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Alter Bridge / The last hero
Alter Bridge
LP : The last hero
Label : Napalm Records
Date de sortie : 07/10/2016
LP : The last hero
Label : Napalm Records
- Napalm Records (582 hits)
Date de sortie : 07/10/2016
Show me a leader
The writing on the wall
The other
My champion
Poison in your veins
Cradle to the grave
Losing Patience
This side of fate
You will be remembered
Crows on a wire
Island of fools
The last hero
Last of our kind (bonus)
The writing on the wall
The other
My champion
Poison in your veins
Cradle to the grave
Losing Patience
This side of fate
You will be remembered
Crows on a wire
Island of fools
The last hero
Last of our kind (bonus)
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