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- Music Productive : Association pour la promotion des artistes belges.
- Visual Music : le webzine rouge
- Keritsu : webzine rock indépendant de Lyon
Holding Sand / Some things are better left unsaid

Holding Sand
LP : Some things are better left unsaid
Label : M&O Music
Date de sortie : 30/01/2012
LP : Some things are better left unsaid
Label : M&O Music
M&O Music (379 hits)
Date de sortie : 30/01/2012
Only the infants shall live
Bound to go wrong
Happy endings
An early grave
It's all gone to nothing
The future belongs to heartless whores
As from brazen trumpets
On sleepless nights
Bound to go wrong
Happy endings
An early grave
It's all gone to nothing
The future belongs to heartless whores
As from brazen trumpets
On sleepless nights
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