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- Nawak Posse : webzine métal français
- Métalorgie : webzine punk-métal
- Rezomusique : un annuaire consacré à la musique
KoRn / Live and rare
Did my time (Live at CBGB's)
Blind (Live at CBGB's)
Falling away from me (Live at CBGB's)
Right now (Live at CBGB's)
Got the life (Live at CBGB's)
Here to stay (Live at CBGB's)
Freak on a leash (Live at CBGB's)
Another brick in the wall (Parts 1, 2 , 3)" (Live in St. Louis) + Goodbye cruel world
One (Metallica cover)
My gift to you (Live at Woodstock)
A.D.I.D.A.S. (Live at Woodstock)
Earache my eye (Cheech & Chong cover)
Proud (Life is peachy B-side)
Blind (Live at CBGB's)
Falling away from me (Live at CBGB's)
Right now (Live at CBGB's)
Got the life (Live at CBGB's)
Here to stay (Live at CBGB's)
Freak on a leash (Live at CBGB's)
Another brick in the wall (Parts 1, 2 , 3)" (Live in St. Louis) + Goodbye cruel world
One (Metallica cover)
My gift to you (Live at Woodstock)
A.D.I.D.A.S. (Live at Woodstock)
Earache my eye (Cheech & Chong cover)
Proud (Life is peachy B-side)
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Chronique LP :
Live and rare
- 6 commentaires
Que faire quand on veut terminer un contrat fleuve avec une grosse maison de disque ? On sort un best of ... c'est fait avec Greatest hits vol. 1, et ...
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