Publié le 18/02/2007 à 17:06
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 17:06

Les bons et les méchants

pompé sur /.

Re:This is unfortunately predictable (Score:5, Insightful) by Bogtha (906264) Alter Relationship on 22:32 17 December 2005 (#14281348)

Why do people not learn from history?

Because they think of themselves as the "good guys", and the history they are taught (by school, Hollywood, the media, etc) portrays bad things being done by "bad guys". In reality, there is no good and bad, just a mixture of greys.

How often is it that a movie about Nazi Germany includes the democracy that Germany had beforehand? How often do you hear about how Osama bin Laden called for jihad against Iraq for invading Kuwait? How often do you hear about how Saddam Hussein reformed Iraq into a secular state instead of a theocracy, or how he increased equality and women's rights?

As long as people are taught that some countries are good and some countries are evil, so long as their enemies are demonised, the majority of people will continue to think of themselves as the "good guys", and therefore immune to committing atrocities and war crimes.

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Publié le 18/02/2007 à 17:05
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 17:05


« Toute personne croyant qu'une croissance exponentielle peut durer indéfiniment dans un monde fini est soit un fou, soit un économiste. »

-- Kenneth Boulding

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Publié le 18/02/2007 à 17:04
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 17:04

Veggie on the way

Il faut 15 kilos de protéines végétales pour obtenir 1 kilo de protéines de boeuf.
Il faut 7 kilos de protéines végétales, pour obtenir 1 kilo de protéines de porc.
Il faut 5 kilos de protéines végétales pour obtenir 1 kilo de protéines de poulet.
Il faut 4 kilos de protéines végétales, pour obtenir 1 kilo de proteines d'oeuf.
(Lecerf 1986)

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Publié le 18/02/2007 à 17:04
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 17:04

* N'oublions pas que 3 ampoules de 75 W qui restent allumées une soirée consomment autant qu'une lessive à 60°C.
* La mise en veille des appareils consomment 150 à 500 kWh par ménage et par an, soit la consommation d'un réfrigérateur sur la même période !
* Se passer de climatisation, c'est éviter l'émission de gaz à effet de serre et l'augmentation conséquente de sa facture d'électricité.
* Maintenir 1,5 litre d'eau en ébullition dans une casserole demande 4 fois moins d'énergie avec un couvercle.

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Publié le 18/02/2007 à 17:02
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 17:02

"Fascism should more properly be called 'corporatism', since it is the marriage of government and corporate power."

-- Benito Mussolini, 1932.

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Publié le 18/02/2007 à 17:00
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 17:00

Revenge of the Sith

le film a été libéré sur les P2P, lu sur slashdot :

Tinfoil hat time! Did the MPAA leak it purposely? (Score:5, Insightful) by GuyMannDude (574364) on Saturday May 21, @06:22PM (#12601249)

It's interesting to note that the copy making rounds on the p2p networks is a workprint and not a cam-copy, suggesting an inside job. Given that everyone knew how high-profile ROTS was going to be, it doesn't seem too improbable that the MPAA purposely leaked the print just so they could make a big deal about it. I mean, ROTS is pretty much review-proof and p2p-proof; anyone who was interested in the film was going to the theater to see it anyhow. So there really wouldn't be a big loss by leaking this copy and it gives them a perfect opportunity to bang on the drum again. If ever they were going to leak a blockbuster, ROTS would be the one to do it for.


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Publié le 18/02/2007 à 16:59
Édité le 18/02/2007 à 16:59

Big Brother

"Those who are willing to lose some of their essential liberties in favour of security deserve neither and will lose both."

-- Thomas Jefferson

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