Posté par M!ke.
Modéré le 24/10/2024 à 08:00.
Better Lovers-Highly irresponsibleLes rebelles amoureux de Better Lovers - 24/10

Le premier album du supergroupe Better Lovers, Highly irresponsible, sort demain chez SharpTone Records. Dernière mise en bouche avant la gifle intégrale avec ce nouveau morceau : "Love as an act of rebellion". [plus d'infos]

Better Lovers-Highly irresponsible
Better Lovers
LP : Highly irresponsible
Label : SharpTone Records
Date de sortie : 25/10/2024
Lie between the lines
Your misplaced self
A white horse covered in blood
Future myopia
Deliver us from life
Drowning in a burning world
Everything was put here for me
Superman died paralyzed
At all times
Love as an act of rebellion

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Le 26/10/24 à 22:18, par Ted

Re: Better Lovers - Highly irresponsible

Ted - 9049 msg
Ptain, c'est super bon !
Go Habs Go !

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