Es-tu prêt pour ce Creed ?
- 21/08
Creed a publié une version Deluxe pour les 25 ans de son second effort studio Human clay. Au programme de ce Human clay (Deluxe edition), l'ensemble des titres en version remasterisés, des live, des titres exclusifs au nombre de trois. Un nouveau clip pour "Are your ready?" a par ailleurs été proposé. [plus d'infos]
Are you ready?
What if
Say I
Wrong way
Faceless man
Never die
With arms wide open
Wash away those years
Inside us all
With arms wide open (Strings version)
Young grow old
To whom it may concern
Is this the end? (Scream edit)
Roadhouse blues (Live at Woodstock / 1999)
I'm eighteen
Higher (Radio edit)
With arms wide open (Single version)
What if (Radio edit)
With arms wide open (Acoustic version)
Are you ready? (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
Ode (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
Torn (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
Beautiful (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
What if
Say I
Wrong way
Faceless man
Never die
With arms wide open
Wash away those years
Inside us all
With arms wide open (Strings version)
Young grow old
To whom it may concern
Is this the end? (Scream edit)
Roadhouse blues (Live at Woodstock / 1999)
I'm eighteen
Higher (Radio edit)
With arms wide open (Single version)
What if (Radio edit)
With arms wide open (Acoustic version)
Are you ready? (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
Ode (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
Torn (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
Beautiful (Live at Freeman coliseum / 1999)
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