Infos précédentes :

Le bassiste de X Japan, Hiroshi "Heath" Morie, est malheureusement décédé fin octobre à l'âge de 55 ans suite à une longue bataille contre le cancer. Le groupe n'a cependant fait une annonce officielle que le 12 novembre (dispo dans la suite). [plus d'infos]
"It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of X Japan's 's esteemed bass player Heath after his battle with colorectal cancer, on October 29th, 2023, at the age of 55. His cancer was found during an examination in June of this year. Despite his efforts to battle the disease, his condition declined suddenly in October, and he took his last breath in the hospital.
"We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to those who cherished Heath throughout his lifetime. We, the members of X Japan have personally bid farewell to Heath, but are still deeply saddened and dismayed by his sudden loss. Individual tributes from X Japan members will be shared on Heath's official website at"
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