Posté par M!ke.
Modéré le 05/09/2023 à 08:00.
The Menzingers-Some of it was trueLes Menzingers ne recommandent pas l'espoir, trop dangereux ! - 05/09

The Menzingers reviennent avec un septième album studio le 13 octobre prochain via Epitaph (Bad Religion, Converge, Drain, Refused, etc.) : Some of it was true. Le titre qui ouvre l'opus, "Hope is a dangerous little thing", se découvre par là. [plus d'infos]

The Menzingers-Some of it was true
The Menzingers
LP : Some of it was true
Label : Epitaph
Date de sortie : 13/10/2023
Hope is a dangerous little thing
There's no place in this world for me
Nobody stays
Some of it was true
Come on heartache
Take it to heart
Love at the end
Alone in Dublin
High low
I didn't miss you (Until you were gone)
Running in the roar of the wind

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