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Enter a kiss for the whole world
- 25/04
Le 21 avril, c'était jour de sortie pour le dernier Enter Shikari, A kiss for the whole world. L'album est en écoute sur Spotify. Et les anglais ont déposé un clip pour "A kiss for the whole world x ". [plus d'infos]
A kiss for the whole world x
(pls) set me on fire
It hurts
Leap into the lightning
Feed yøur søul
Dead wood
Bloodshot (coda)
Goldfĭsh ~
Giant pacific octopus (I don't know you anymore)
Giant pacific octopus swirling off into infinity...
(pls) set me on fire
It hurts
Leap into the lightning
Feed yøur søul
Dead wood
Bloodshot (coda)
Goldfĭsh ~
Giant pacific octopus (I don't know you anymore)
Giant pacific octopus swirling off into infinity...
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