Le nouvel album de Cattle Decapitation, Terrrasite, sortira le 12 mai chez Metal Blade. On te propose d'en découvrir l'artwork et la trackliste. [plus d'infos]

Cattle Decapitation
LP : Terrasite
Label : Metal Blade
Date de sortie : 12/05/2023
LP : Terrasite
Label : Metal Blade
Metal Blade (629 hits)
Date de sortie : 12/05/2023
Terrasitic adaptation
We eat our young
Scourge of the offspring
The insignificants
The storm upstairs
...And the world will go on without you
A photic doom
Dead end residents
Just another body
We eat our young
Scourge of the offspring
The insignificants
The storm upstairs
...And the world will go on without you
A photic doom
Dead end residents
Just another body
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