Infos précédentes :

L'ensemble des enregistrements studios agrémentés de quelques versions live d'Anti-Pasti sont rassemblés dans un coffret de 3 CD à paraître le 21 août Cherry Red Records. Les détails concernant 1980-83 se trouvent ci-dessous.
CD 1 - The last call
No government
Brew your own
Another dead soldier
Call the army (I'm alive)
City below
24 hours
Night of the warcry
Freedom row
St. George (gets his gun)
The last call
Ain't got me
Truth and justice
I wanna be your dog
CD 2 - Caution in the wind
Caution in the wind
One friday night
X affair
Get out now
Mr mystery
East to the west
See how they run
Hate circulation
Agent abc
The best of us
Guinea pigs
Beyond belief
CD 3 - Rarities 1981-84
No government (single version)
Two years too late
Something new
Ain't got (the wragby studio session tapes 1980)
Another dead soldier (the wragby studio session tapes 1980)
Two years too late (live - apocalypse now tour)
I wanna be your dog (live - apocalypse now tour)
Another dead soldier (live - apocalypse now tour)
Let them free
Another dead soldier (single version)
Hell (version)
Six guns
Now's the time
Call the army (I'm alive) (single version)
Burn in your own flames
Last train to nowhere
Blind faith
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