C'est ce vendredi que sort Nothing is true & everything is possible, le nouvel album d'Enter Shikari. Une vidéo compilant des extraits de chacun des morceaux composant l'opus est dispo. [plus d'infos]

The great unknown
Crossing the rubicon
{ The dreamer's hotel }
Waltzing off the face of the earth (I. Crescendo)
modern living..
apøcaholics anonymøus (main theme in B minor)
the pressure's on.
Reprise 3
Elegy for extinction
Marionettes (I. The discovery of strings)
Marionettes (II. The ascent)
satellites* *
thē kĭñg
Waltzing off the face of the earth (II. Piangevole)
Crossing the rubicon
{ The dreamer's hotel }
Waltzing off the face of the earth (I. Crescendo)
modern living..
apøcaholics anonymøus (main theme in B minor)
the pressure's on.
Reprise 3
Elegy for extinction
Marionettes (I. The discovery of strings)
Marionettes (II. The ascent)
satellites* *
thē kĭñg
Waltzing off the face of the earth (II. Piangevole)
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