Havok pour la fête du travail
- 13/02
Alleluia, la date de sortie du prochain Havok est connue. V sortira chez Century Media (At The Gates,Heaven Shall Burn, Lacuna Coil, Napalm Death, etc.) le 1er mai. Mark Lewis (Cannibal Corpse, The Black Dahlia Murder) a produit, mixé et masterisé l'album. [plus d'infos]
Post-truth era
Fear campaign
Betrayed by technology
Ritual of the mind
Interface with the infinite
Dab tsog
Phantom force
Cosmetic surgery
Merchants of death
Don't do it
Fear campaign
Betrayed by technology
Ritual of the mind
Interface with the infinite
Dab tsog
Phantom force
Cosmetic surgery
Merchants of death
Don't do it
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