Rorcal balance du son
- 27/10
Nouveau titre pour Rorcal avec ce "Carnation were not the smell of death. They were the smell of desire". Le nouvel album Muladona sort le 8 novembre chez Hummus Records (Coilguns entres autres). [plus d'infos]
This is how I came to associate drowning with tenderness
She drained you of your innocence and you poisoned her with it
I'd done my duty to my mother and father. And more than that I'd found love
A sea of false smiles hiding murder jealousy and revenge
Carnation were not the smell of death. They were the smell of desire
The only constant in this world is blackness of the human heart
I was the Muladona's seventh tale
She drained you of your innocence and you poisoned her with it
I'd done my duty to my mother and father. And more than that I'd found love
A sea of false smiles hiding murder jealousy and revenge
Carnation were not the smell of death. They were the smell of desire
The only constant in this world is blackness of the human heart
I was the Muladona's seventh tale
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