At the Gates en pierre
- 31/03
Tu peux découvrir un peu plus le prochain album d'At the Gates, To drink from the night itself, avec ce nouveau titre dispo à la suite, "A stare bound in stone". [plus d'infos]
At the Gates
LP : To drink from the night itself
Production : Russ Russell
Label : Century Media
Date de sortie : 18/05/2018
LP : To drink from the night itself
Production : Russ Russell
Label : Century Media
- Century Media (683 hits)
Date de sortie : 18/05/2018
Der widerstand
To drink from the night itself
A stare bound in stone
Palace of lepers
Daggers of black haze
The chasm
In nameless sleep
The colours of the beast
A labyrinth of tombs
Seas of starvation
In death they shall burn
The mirror black
To drink from the night itself
A stare bound in stone
Palace of lepers
Daggers of black haze
The chasm
In nameless sleep
The colours of the beast
A labyrinth of tombs
Seas of starvation
In death they shall burn
The mirror black
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