Anthrax en DVD live
- 11/12
Anthrax sortira un DVD live le 27 avril 2018, Kings among Scotland. [plus d'infos]
Evil twin
Blood eagle wings
Fight 'em 'til you can't
Be all, end all
Breathe lightning
Among the living
Caught in a mosh
One world
I am the law
A skeleton in the closet
Efilnikufesin (N.F.L.)
A.D.I./Horror of it all
Imitation of life
Antisocia" (Reprise de Trust)
Evil twin
Blood eagle wings
Fight 'em 'til you can't
Be all, end all
Breathe lightning
Among the living
Caught in a mosh
One world
I am the law
A skeleton in the closet
Efilnikufesin (N.F.L.)
A.D.I./Horror of it all
Imitation of life
Antisocia" (Reprise de Trust)
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