Posté par M!ke.
Modéré le 11/12/2017 à 23:49.
AnthraxAnthrax en DVD live - 11/12

Anthrax sortira un DVD live le 27 avril 2018, Kings among Scotland. [plus d'infos]

Anthrax - Kings among Scotland
DVD musical : Kings among Scotland
Date de sortie : 27/04/2018
Evil twin
Blood eagle wings
Fight 'em 'til you can't
Be all, end all
Breathe lightning
Among the living
Caught in a mosh
One world
I am the law
A skeleton in the closet
Efilnikufesin (N.F.L.)
A.D.I./Horror of it all
Imitation of life
Antisocia" (Reprise de Trust)
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