![Enter Shikari-A kiss for the whole world](/thumbnail/68x68xdim/2023/metal/enter-shikari-a-kiss-for-the-whole-world@mdpi.jpg)
Enter Shikari nous donne un nouvel aperçu de son prochain album, The spark, au travers de ce clip réalisé pour "Rabble rouser". [plus d'infos]
![Enter Shikari - The spark](/thumbnail/230x230xdim/2017/metal/enter-shikari-the-spark@mdpi.png)
The spark
The sights
Live outside
Take my country back
Rabble rouser
Undercover agents
The revolt of the atoms
An ode to lost jigsaw pieces (in two movements)
The embers
The sights
Live outside
Take my country back
Rabble rouser
Undercover agents
The revolt of the atoms
An ode to lost jigsaw pieces (in two movements)
The embers
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