Full of streaming
- 28/05
Le nouvel album de Full of Hell sorti en début de mois, Trumpeting ecstasy, est dispo à l'écoute intégrale sur Bandcamp.
Trumpeting ecstasy: BandCamp
(129 hits) ] [plus d'infos]
Full of Hell
LP : Trumpeting ecstasy
Production : Kurt Ballou
Label : Profound Lore Records
Date de sortie : 05/05/2017
LP : Trumpeting ecstasy
Production : Kurt Ballou
Label : Profound Lore Records
- Profound Lore Records: site du label (456 hits)
Date de sortie : 05/05/2017
Branches of yew
Bound sphinx
The cosmic vein
Digital prison
Crawling back to God
Fractured quartz
Gnawed flesh
Ashen mesh
Trumpeting ecstasy
At the cauldron's bottom
Branches of yew
Bound sphinx
The cosmic vein
Digital prison
Crawling back to God
Fractured quartz
Gnawed flesh
Ashen mesh
Trumpeting ecstasy
At the cauldron's bottom
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