Posté par M!ke.
Modéré le 21/02/2016 à 16:29.
Less Than Jake - Sound the alarmLess Than Live - 21/02

Less Than Jake sortira un album live, Live from Astoria, le 29 avril prochain via Rude Records (Zebrahead) et Saint November Records pour la version vinyle au Royaume-Uni. L'artwork est disponible et enfin le groupe passera par Rouen au 106 le 30 avril prochain. [plus d'infos]

Less Than Jake - Live from Astoria
Less Than Jake
Live : Live from Astoria
Label : Rude Records
Date de sortie : 29/04/2016
My very own flag
Ask the magic 8 ball
Sugar in your gas tank
Magnetic north
Just like Frank
Help save the youth of America
Nervous in the alley
Look what happened
How's my driving doug hastings
Happy man
9th at pine
Johnny Quest thinks we're sellouts
Never going back to New Jersey
Pete Jackson's getting married
All my best friends are metalheads
Suburban myth
Gainesville rock city (Encore)
Last one out of liberty city (Encore)
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