Posté par M!ke.
Modéré le 17/11/2015 à 20:36.
At the Gates - Nightmare of beingLa nuit éternelle d'At The Gates - 17/11

At The Gates te présente son nouveau clip pour son titre "The night eternal" tiré de At war with reality. [plus d'infos]

At The Gates - At war with reality
At the Gates
LP : At war with reality
Label : Century Media
Date de sortie : 27/10/2014
El altar del dios desconocido
Death and the labyrinth
At war with reality
The circular ruins
Heroes and tombs
The conspiracy of the blind
Order from chaos
The book of sand (The abomination)
The head of the hydra
City of mirrors
Eater of gods
Upon pillars of dust
The night eternal

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