Infos précédentes :
- Black Stone Cherry & Mary Jane
- Download : premiers grands noms
- Souviens-toi Black Stone Cherry
- Streaming du jour : Black Stone Cherry
- Black Stone Cherry descendra de la montagne...
- Roadrunner : le coffret du 30e anniversaire
- Le Sonisphere anglais est annulé
- Gojira signé
- Black Stone Streaming
- Black Stone Cherry arrive !
Black Stone Cherry & Mary Jane
- 04/10
La performance de "Me and Mary Jane" qui figurera sur le prochain DVD live de Black Stone Cherry, Thank you: livin' live, se mate à la suite. Petit rattrapage également au passage avec celle de "White trash millionaire" qui est dispo également. [plus d'infos]
Rain wizard
Blind man
Me and Mary Jane
In my blood
Holding on...To letting go
Maybe someday
Such a shame
Things my father said
Fiesta del fuego
Sunshine of your love
Like I roll
Bad luck and hard love
Drum solo
Hollywood in Kentucky
Hell and high water
Soul creek
White trash millionaire
Blame it on the boom boom
Peace is free
Lonely train (Can't judge a book)
Blind man
Me and Mary Jane
In my blood
Holding on...To letting go
Maybe someday
Such a shame
Things my father said
Fiesta del fuego
Sunshine of your love
Like I roll
Bad luck and hard love
Drum solo
Hollywood in Kentucky
Hell and high water
Soul creek
White trash millionaire
Blame it on the boom boom
Peace is free
Lonely train (Can't judge a book)
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