Posté par M!ke.
Modéré le 26/09/2015 à 12:39.
Queens of the Stone Age - ... Like clockworkTu veux encore du Rock in Rio ? - 26/09

Encore des live du Rock in Rio avec cette fois les prestations des Queens Of The Stone Age et de Lamb Of God. [plus d'infos]

Set-liste :
You think I ain't worth a dollar but I feel like a millionaire
No one knows
My god is the sun
Burn the witch
Smooth sailing
In my head
Regular John
Sick, sick, sick
Vampyre of time and memory
If I had a tail
Little sister
Fairweather friends
Go with the flow
A song for the dead

Set-liste :
Walk with me in hell
Now you got something to die for
Still echoes
Ghost walking
Set to fail
Laid to rest
Black label

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