Posté par Oli.
Modéré le 12/04/2015 à 19:26.
Porcupine Tree - The incidentun autre Porcupine en solo - 12/04

Gavin Harrison (batteur de Porcupine Tree) a mis en ligne le clip de "Hatesong/Halo" issu de son album solo (qui sort demain) Cheating the polygraph.
[gb] Hatesong/Halo (1448 hits)  External  ] [plus d'infos]

Gavin Harrison - Cheating the polygraph.
Gavin Harrison
LP : Cheating the polygraph
Label : Kscope
Date de sortie : 13/04/2015
What Happens Now?
Sound of Muzak/So Called Friend
The Start of Something Beautiful
Heart Attack in a Layby/The Creator Had a Mastertape/Surfer
The Pills I'm Taking (from Anesthetize)
Cheating the Polygraph/Mother & Child Divided
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