Posté par Oli.
Modéré le 20/08/2014 à 23:16.
team_sleep_team_sleep.jpgEn studio avec Team Sleep - 20/08

Team Sleep va composer un nouvel album ! Et tu peux les rejoindre en studio pour participer à son enregistrement. Contre 500 $ (voyage non compris), tu peux donc t'inviter, récupérer un sweat, des posters dédicacés, une bouffe avec le groupe, un concert et pas mal de musique (CD, vinyl, mp3...). [plus d'infos]

contre 500 dollars US tu as :

-A hooded sweatshirt with a design which will not be sold outside of this event ( please include your size)
-Silk-screened posters hand made by the band and signed
-A CD featuring previously unreleased music
-A listening party to hear new material the band is working on
-A local, gourmet meal with the band provided Sunfrost Farms
-An in-studio experience with question and answer session as the band works on and records new songs
-A live performance featuring new and old songs
-limited run vinyl of the audio from the live recordings
-A digital download of the audio from the live recordings
-A digital download of the video from the event"

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