Posté par Oli.
Modéré le 25/07/2014 à 09:33.
Memories of a Dead Man - Ashes of joyGo With My Rock compile - 25/07

L'association Go With My Rock a sorti une compil punk/rock/métal d'une dizaine de groupes dont So Was The Sun ou Memories of a Dead Man.
[fr] go with my rock: bandcamp (164 hits)  External  ] [plus d'infos]

Former Life - New One
Amiral Wisewild - Bad Weather
September Boy - Make it Easy
New Decade - Dead Elvis
So Was The Sun - By Far the Worst
Orbis - Big Machine
Over the Earth - The accident
Memories of a Dead Man - Going out with the whore's saliva
Punk Isn't It - Behind you again
The Way I Am - Run Faster
Syd Kult - Overnight
Everything Behind - The Hunger
Cley'so Drunk - I'm a Loser
Sweet Haze - Maison Close

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