Posté par (The) Aurelio.
Modéré le 08/05/2014 à 19:07.
King Buzzo - Gift of SacrificeKing Buzzo envoie du son - 08/05

Extrait du premier album solo de Buzz Obsorne aka King Buzzo ((the) Melvins, Fantômas, Venomous Concept...), "Instrument of God", est en écoute en source de cette news.

Le morceau figurera au tracklisting de This machine kills artists, attendu le 3 juin prochain chez Ipecac (Bohren & Der Club of Gore, Isis, The Unsemble, Tomahawk...).
[us] Ecoute "Instrument of God" (333 hits)  External  ] [plus d'infos]

King Buzzo - This machine kills artists
King Buzzo
LP : This machine kills artists
Label : Ipecac
Date de sortie : 03/06/2014
Dark Brown Teeth
Rough Democracy
Laid Back Walking
Drunken Baby
Vaulting Over A Microphone
New River
The Vulgar Joke
Everything's Easy For You
The Ripping Driving
How I Became Offensive
Instrument Of God
The Spoiled Brat
Illegal Mona
Good And Hostile
The Blithering Idiot
Useless King Of The Punks
The Hesitation Twist
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