Posté par (The) Aurelio.
Modéré le 20/06/2013 à 16:29.
sleepmakeswaves - ... and so we destroyed everythingsleepmakeswaves à la rentrée - 20/06

Intitulé ... and so we destroyed everything, le nouvel album des postrockeurs australiens de sleepmakeswaves (pour les inconditionnels de Caspian, Explosions in the Sky, Sigur Ros, Russian Circles...) sortira le 9 septembre en 2xCD/2xLP/digital via Monotreme Records (65daysofstatic, Jeniferever, Nedry...). Extraits audio dans la suite... [plus d'infos]

sleepmakeswaves - ... and so we destroyed everything
LP : ...and so we destroyed everything
Label : Monotreme Records
Date de sortie : 09/09/2013
To you they are birds, to me they are voices in the forest
In limbs and joints
Our time is short but your watch is slow
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun
(hello) cloud mountain
Now we rise and we are everywhere
We like you when you're awkward
...and so we destroyed everything
Our time is short but your watch is slow (65daysofstatic remix)
In limbs and joints (Rosetta remix)
To you they are birds, to me they are voices in the forest (Klue remix)
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun (Tangled thoughts of leaving remix)
We like you when you're awkward (Kyson remix)
To you they are birds, to me they are voices in the forest (Atlantis remix)
Now we rise and we are everywhere (Glasfrosch remix)
Hello chip mountain
After they destroyed everything (AM Frequencies remix)
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