"Confession", morceau issu de The Book of Eliot, le nouvel album de Hord sorti il y a peu chez Send the Wood Music (Harbanger, Lies, The Mars Chronicles...), est en écoute dans la suite de cette news. [plus d'infos]

LP : The book of Eliot
Label : Send the Wood Music
Date de sortie : 22/04/2013
LP : The book of Eliot
Label : Send the Wood Music
Send the Wood Music (544 hits)
Date de sortie : 22/04/2013
At the Gate
The Sleepless Journey
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
The Unwaverings
On Collision Course
Unleash the Hermod
What the Thunder Said
At the Gate
The Sleepless Journey
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
The Unwaverings
On Collision Course
Unleash the Hermod
What the Thunder Said
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