Infos précédentes :

Verse, combo hardcore originaire de Providence (Rhode Island, USA) actif entre 2003 et 2009 puis reformé en toute fin d'année dernière, met actuellement la touche finale à un nouvel album studio, intitulé Bitter clarity, uncommon grace et annoncé pour le 17 juillet via Bridge Nine Records (Defeater, DYS, Paint In Black, Ruiner...). [plus d'infos]

LP : Bitter clarity, uncommon grace
Label : Bridge Nine Records
Date de sortie : 17/07/2012
LP : Bitter clarity, uncommon grace
Label : Bridge Nine Records Site du label (348 hits) bridge9: MySpace (318 hits)
Date de sortie : 17/07/2012
The Selfish of the Earth
The Selfless of the Earth
The Silver Spoon and the Empty Plate
Setting Fire to the Bridges We Cross
Segue One
You and I Are the Fortunate Ones
The End of All Light
The Relevance of Our Disconnect
Segue Two
Oceanic Tendencies
Finding A Way Out When There Is No Way
Segue Three
The End of All Life
The Selfless of the Earth
The Silver Spoon and the Empty Plate
Setting Fire to the Bridges We Cross
Segue One
You and I Are the Fortunate Ones
The End of All Light
The Relevance of Our Disconnect
Segue Two
Oceanic Tendencies
Finding A Way Out When There Is No Way
Segue Three
The End of All Life
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