Ecoute du Porn
- 11/10
From the void to the infinite, le nouvel album de Porn, sorti hier dans les bacs via Freaksound Music/MVS Records/Anticraft, est en écoute intégrale sur Deezer.
From the void to the infinite: Deezer
(200 hits) ] [plus d'infos]
LP : From the void to the infinite
Label : MVS Records
Date de sortie : 10/10/2011
LP : From the void to the infinite
Label : MVS Records
- MVS Records (396 hits)
Date de sortie : 10/10/2011
I died twice
Not with a bang
Love like war
We are weapons (Shoot your leaders)
Nothing like you
The machineries of joy
Same old story
A duty dance with Death
In the wrong lane
No dominion
Lullaby X
Not with a bang
Love like war
We are weapons (Shoot your leaders)
Nothing like you
The machineries of joy
Same old story
A duty dance with Death
In the wrong lane
No dominion
Lullaby X
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