Posté par (The) Aurelio.
Modéré le 09/04/2011 à 16:09.
Young Widows - Easy painYoung Widows en approche - 09/04

Intitulé In and out of youth and lightness is, le nouvel album des Young Widows sortira le 12 avril chez Temporary Residence Ltd. (Explosions in the Sky, Grails, Maserati...). Un titre, "In and out of lightness", est d'ores et déjà en heavy rotation chez Stereogum.
[us] In And Out Of Lightness: Stereogum (232 hits)  External  ] [plus d'infos]

Young Widows - In-And-Out-Of-Youth-And-Lightness
Young widows
LP : In and out of youth and lightness is
Label : Temporary Residence Ltd
Date de sortie : 12/04/2011
Young Rivers
Future Heart
In and Out of Lightness
Lean on the Ghost
The Muted Man
Right in the End
Miss Tambourine Wrist
White Golden Rings
In and Out of Youth
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