Posté par Oli.
Modéré le 22/01/2011 à 12:02.
GraspopGraspop 2011 - 22/01

Les premiers noms du Graspop sont connus : Slipknot, Volbeat, Iced Earth, Epica, Parkway Drive, Arch Enemy, Moonspell, The Damned Things, Masters of Reality, Heaven Shall Burn, Sepultura, Soilwork, The Black Dahlia Murder, Electric Wizard, Spiritual Beggars, Terror, Journey, Foreigner, Rob Zombie, All That Remains, Architects, Bullet for my Valentine, Cavalera Conspiracy... Oui, il y aura du lourd fin juin à Dessel. [plus d'infos]

Slipknot, Judas Priest, Volbeat, Iced Earth, Epica, Parkway Drive, Arch Enemy, Moonspell, The Damned Things, Masters Of Reality, Heaven Shall Burn, Sepultura, Angelwitch, Amorphis, Soilwork, Kvelertak, The Black Dahlia Murder, Revoker, Electric Wizard, Adept, Spiritual Beggars, Terror , While She Sleeps, Journey, Foreigner, Rob Zombie, Whitesnake, All That Remains, Architects, Escape The Fate, FM, Firewind, Ghost, Suicide Silence, Bullet for my valentine, Arkona, Cavalera Conspiracy

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