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Monsieur Z - NSLB 1Monsieur Z clippé - 18/01

Monsieur Z nous livre son nouveau clip, "Le temps qu'il nous reste", issu de l'EP NSLB [chap. 1] à paraître le 31 janvier. [plus d'infos]

Affiche Impure Fest 2010Impure Muzik.fr - 18/01

Impure Muzik (ASIDEFROMADAY, Farewell, Hiro, Tesa, The Tan Case...) vient de mettre en ligne son nouveau site web.
[fr] Impure Muzik (220 hits)  External  ]

RHCP - One hot minuteRHCP estival - 18/01

Encore sans titre pour le moment, le nouvel album des Red Hot Chili Peppers et successeur de Stadium Arcadium, sortira au mois de juin.

Run of Lava - NodeRun of Lava sous contrôle - 18/01

Run of Lava a posté le morceau "Trigger control" sur MySace et Reverbnation, tiré de du nouvel album Node à venir prochainement.
[ [fr] MySpace (196 hits)  External / [fr] ReverbNation (177 hits)  External  ]

MotörheadSonisphère : outre-Manche ce sera énorme - 18/01

In Flames, Motörhead, Mastodon et Parkway Drive seront à l'affiche de l'édition anglaise du Sonisphère.

Rise Against - EndgameRise Against envoie du single - 18/01

Rise Against vient de mettre en écoute son single "Help is on the way"... Endgame, le nouvel album du groupe sortira dans les bacs le 15 mars.
[us] Help is on the way (167 hits)  External  ]

foo_fighters_echoes_silence_patience_and_grace.jpg30 secondes de bonheur Foo - 18/01

Les Foo Fighters ont balancé sur le web un petit teaser de leur prochain album...
[us] Teaser (308 hits)  External  ]

Green DayAwesome as Green Day - 18/01

Green Day sortira le 15 mars un album live intitulé Awesome as fuck.


Sortie disque : Social Distortion - Hard times and nursery rhymes

Social Distortion - Hard times and nursery rhymes
Social Distortion
LP : Hard times and nursery rhymes
Label : Epitaph
Road Zombie
California (Hustle and Flow)
Gimme The Sweet And Lowdown
Diamond In The Rough
Machine Gun Blues
Far Side Of Nowhere
Alone And Forsaken
Writing On The Wall
Can't Take It With You
Still Alive

Sortie disque : Lionheart - Built on struggle

Lionheart - Built of struggle
LP : Built on struggle
Label : Mediaskare
Pure anger
Brothers keeper
Built on struggle
What I've become
Through Hell and back
The hand that feeds
Don't speak my name
The bend before the break
The only life I know

Sortie disque : Verdena - Wow

Verdena - Wow
LP : Wow
Label : Universal
Scegli Me (Un Mondo Che Tu Non Vuoi)
Per Sbaglio
Mi Coltivo
Il Nulla Di O.
Lui Gareggia
Le Scarpe Volanti
Castelli Per Aria
Sorriso In Spiaggia Part I
Sorriso In Spiaggia Part II
E' Solo Lunedì
Tu E Me
Badea Blues
Nuova Luce
A Capello
Rossella Roll Over
Canzone Ostinata
12,5 mg
Sul Ciglio
Letto Di Mosche
La Volta
Lei Disse (Un Mondo Del Tutto Differente)

Sortie disque : The Carrier - Blind to what is right

The Carrier - Blind to what is right
The Carrier
LP : Blind to what is right
Label : Deathwish Inc.
Blind To What Is Right
Everyone Who I Knew And Loved Is
Wash Away My Sins
Hollow Pain
A Stranger To Myself
In Silence Together
Into Darkness
All That's Left To See


La Canaille L'Escale - Aubagne (13)

Is Tropical Le Bikini - Toulouse (31) + Klaxons

Santeuil La Java - Paris (75) + Cut Paper People

Ventura Cabaret Electric - Le Havre (76)