The neighborhood, nouvel album des Tokyo Sex Destruction, sortira le 18 janvier via le tout jeune label clermontois Pyromane Records (Gâtechien, Stetson). Dans l'immédiat, l'artwork de ce nouvel opus est visible dans la suite. [plus d'infos]

Tokyo Sex Destruction
LP : The Neighbourhood
Label : Pyromane Records
Label : Bcore Disc
Date de sortie : 18/01/2010
LP : The Neighbourhood
Label : Pyromane Records
Pyromane Records (370 hits)
Label : Bcore Disc
- Bcore Disc
(368 hits)
Date de sortie : 18/01/2010
Dope & love
Stories from the neighbourhood
The sounds of your soul
It was '69
It's gonna be alright
Let me down
Move it
They've lost control
Cold sweat
Don't let my hands fall
I think you lie
Stories from the neighbourhood
The sounds of your soul
It was '69
It's gonna be alright
Let me down
Move it
They've lost control
Cold sweat
Don't let my hands fall
I think you lie
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