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Posté par Rémiii.
Modéré le 29/07/2006 à 23:37.
The Bronx - The Bronx IVThe Bronx étrangle son single - 29/07

The Bronx a choisi de faire figurer "History's strangler" sur son prochain single. Sa sortie est fixée au 4 septembre et la face B sera occupée par "Venice". Par ailleurs, le groupe passera en octobre en Europe (surtout au Royaume-Uni) sans toutefois s'arrêter par la France. [plus d'infos]

October 13th London, UK - Dirty Sounds @ Barfly
October 14th Oxford, UK - Zodiac
October 15th Cardiff, UK - Barfly
October 16th York, UK - Barfly
October 17th Leeds, UK - The Cockpit
October 18th Manchester, UK - The Roadhouse
October 19th Liverpool, UK - Barfly
October 20th Nottingham, UK - Rock City
October 21st Glasgow, UK - Barfly
October 22nd Sheffield, UK - Corporation
October 23rd Birmingham, UK - Barfly
October 25th Cologne, GER - Prime Club
October 26th Hamburg, GER - Logo
October 27th Berlin, GER - Knaack
October 28th Munich, GER - Backstage
October 29th Vienna, AUT - The Arena
October 31st Antwerp, BEL - Trix
November 01st London, UK - Islington Academy

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