Posté par Oli.
Modéré le 22/02/2005 à 17:07.
RockAlice w/ MJK - 22/02

Samedi soir, lors du concert caritatif à Seattle, Alice in Chains a joué un set acoustique puis un autre électrique avec de nombreux invités dont Maynard James Keenan (Tool, APC) ! [plus d'infos]

Then, of course Alice In Chains... WOW. They came out with 5 acoustic guitars and Sean Kinney on drums. It was Jerry Cantrel, Mike Inez, Chris Degarmo (Queensryche), Sean Olsen, and another guy with long hair that plays with Jerry on his solo stuff... oh yeah and Pat Lacheman of Damage Plan singing Layne's vocals. First song was "Killing Yourself", a great one to get the crowd going... everyone was really just in awe. Then Ann Wilson of Heart came on stage and sang a great rendition of "Brother" with the guys. Then they played 4 more acoustic... forgive me but I am still in shock and can't remember the exact songs... it was just like MTV Unplugged, sound was excellent, the band was on... Just fucking great!!!

They all leave and Ann Wilson comes back and is joined by her sister Nancy Wilson (a surprise)... they play two heart songs (again I don't know the names). Then they play "the Battle of Evermore" off the Singles soundtrack (the one they recorded as the LOVE MONGERS), this was GREAT!!! Then the rest of Heart gets on stage, including Jerry Cantrel. They tear threw 3 more Zepplin songs, including "Misty Mountain Hills" and eventually finish with the Heart classic... "Baracuda".

To cap the night Alice in Chains are back, they are plugged in and ready to ROCK. They play a song w/Pat Lachman, then bring on Wes Scanlin of Puddle of Mud for a duet w/Lachman on "Down in a Hole". Then its' Scanlin on Angry Chair and Would (I think... by the way, this Wes Scanlin guy was a total clown, he was drunk off his ass and fucked up the lyrics to Would). Then the shock of the night, Scanlin leaves and the new guest singer... MAYNARD from TOOL/Perfect Circle. He sings the last 2 songs with the guys, does an absolutely amazing job (I think it was Man in the Box and Them Bones). Finally the night ends with the guys from Alice in Chains, Chris Degarmo of Queensryche, Scanlin, Lacheman, Maynard and Ann Wilson in a huge jam to ROOSTER!!! Even Crist Novaselic of Nirvana fame was helping Sean Kinney on the drums on this one...

All in all a UNBELIEVABLE night of music... Crist Novaselic was the master of ceremonies, dressed in a TUX and introducing the bands...

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