Terroristars est un groupe espagnol qui cherche à jouer en France et propose des échanges de dates, leur registre est plutôt métal qui défouraille (Chimaira...).
(282 hits) ] [plus d'infos]
Hi! I'm N from Terroristars, spanish metal band (a cross between Chimaira, FF and In Flames, but with show a la Gwar). We just released our first record (engineered by Fredrik Nördstrom -In Flames, Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir- and mastered by Mika Jussila -Children Of Bodom, Therion, Nightwish-) a month ago and we're preparing our tour. We are looking for some french tourdates. We are playing almost everywhere in Spain (300 people venues, FNACs,...) and our company is doing a very decent work. We offer a simple show/tour exchange. We bring your band to open for us (assuming all the costs -from acommodation to van, whatever-; not being a fucking support band but co-headliner) and we ask for the same in France so no money is lost or whatever. Feel free to write us at terroristars@terroristars.com For more info check out www.terroristars.com (some parts are still under construction).
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