Posté par Candice le Vendredi 17 mars 2017 à 15:59
Suite à des raisons indépendantes de la volonté de Smash Hit Combo, la date de la release party est repoussée, et aura désormais lieu le 27 mai.
Le line-up a également été modifié. Seront présents aux côtés de Smash Hit Combo, Novelists et Rãgarãja.
Smash Hit Combo (Rapcore/Nu metal/Deathcore, FR)
Even though the scene seemed dead, Smash Hit Combo revived the deeply influential sound of 90s rap/metal. Playing for almost ten years, Smash Hit Combo developed their own unique sound that was influenced by bands such as Limp Bizkit and Incubus that managed to incorporate their godfathers' killer groove and sharpened hip hop flow.
But don't believe that it's all about complaining. Their lyrics are deeply rooted in "geek" video games and pop culture that are utilized as a prism to define the problems and struggles of their own generation. All in all, Smash Hit Combo's creed is to pursue their will and wishes, while bearing their crosses of « Hardcore Gamers »
Although their music is in perpetual evolution, it captures the violent, impulsive and intense sounds heard throughout the genre. So, don't pass up an occasion to experience Smash Hit Combo's very own way to "pardon their French"
After having NOVELISTS founded in Paris in early 2013 by the Durand brothers, they quickly joined forces with the former A CALL TO SINCERITY
members Matt, Charly and Nicolas and released their first Single "Twenty Years" already in April. Their fresh and distinguished sound was something
the metal world didn't expect. But this was only the beginning. They
released 5 more singles and numerous videos within the next 10 months, culminating in the release of their Demo EP. By that time, in early 2014, NOVELISTS' name and music had spread around the globe like a wildfire catching both the fans' and the industry's interest.
While working with full force on the production of their first full length album, the demand for live shows was rising and lead NOVELISTS to play selective prestigious events like Euroblast Festival, Ghostfest, and Damage Fest, before they played all over Europe alongside I, THE BREATHER at
the end of 2014. Empowered with this new live experience NOVELISTS finished the production of their debut Album in early 2015. It was time to raise the bar again and to increase the pressure even more. In March, the first single
from the upcoming album "Gravity" was released with a video, gathering over 100k plays in less than 3 weeks.
NOVELISTS had become a rising star within the progressive metal scene,ready to release their highly anticipated first album "Souvenirs"."Souvenirs" was released via Arising Empire on the 13th of November 2015, right after a European tour with german band Annisokay.
Mais qu'est ce que c'est RÃGARÃJA ? De la rage en format MP3. Un style hybride, batard, issu d'une relation incestueuse entre poésie lyrique crue et rageuse, et un métal/djent en français, dense, acéré, impitoyable, nuancé de touches d'électro avec une voix saturée au débit proche du rap.
En somme un Baudelaire des temps modernes en transe plongé dans une fosse déchainée.
Influences NTM, Pleymo, Periphery, Thy Art is Murder, Hacktivist, Limp Bizkit, Heart Of A Coward, Monuments
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